Friday, December 13, 2013

Five Tips For Dental Care For Kids

A dream of many parents is to go to their child's dental examination to find their son or daughter has no cavities. As parents it can be difficult to hear that our child has a decayed tooth or the start of gum disease. Youngsters really do need direction when it comes to caring for their teeth. Five tips for dental care for kids that can help include:

• Supervision when brushing and flossing. Kids aren't always that interested in taking the necessary time needed to really clean their teeth. Proper dental care for kids includes brushing their teeth after every meal, and before bed. It also includes flossing at least once a day. If mom or dad is there to help, the little one is going to be more inclined to do it properly.
• Limiting the sugary treats in the home. One of the things that really damages tooth enamel and leads to decay is sugar. Soda, candy and gum are often found in homes where kids reside. Dental care for kids should include replacing soda with fruit juices, and candy with fruit or fresh vegetables. If you start this early, your kids will never miss those things and instead will crave healthier foods, which will also benefit them physically in terms of fitness.
• Visit the dentist regularly. The dentist's office can be a little intimidating for anyone. Many moms and dads are apprehensive when it's their turn to go to the dentist and this doesn't go unnoticed by their kids. Put on a brave face and encourage your child to go to the dentist with you so they can see that it's not that bad at all. Proper dental care for kids should include check-ups every six months.
• Buy them a mouth guard for sports. Many young boys and girls like to participate in contact sports. Although playing football or hockey is a great work-out and tons of fun, it can also be dangerous to the mouth. Protecting your child's teeth can be effectively done with a mouth guard. These can be custom fitted at the dentist office and are well worth the investment considering how much it costs to fix a lost or chipped tooth.
• Have sealant put on your toddler's teeth. One of the most common oversights that parents make is the importance of dental care for small children. Even though toddlers are going to lose their baby teeth in favor of their adult teeth, they still need to see a dentist. Some dentists encourage the use of sealants to help prevent decay in small children. Parents should speak to their dentists about this and consider it strongly.

Parents directly influence many life long habits that their children adopt. An important habit is daily dental care. Encourage your child to brush and floss daily and take them to the dentist twice a year. Help them by showing them just how important their smile really is.

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