Friday, December 13, 2013

Five Tips For Dental Care For Kids

A dream of many parents is to go to their child's dental examination to find their son or daughter has no cavities. As parents it can be difficult to hear that our child has a decayed tooth or the start of gum disease. Youngsters really do need direction when it comes to caring for their teeth. Five tips for dental care for kids that can help include:

• Supervision when brushing and flossing. Kids aren't always that interested in taking the necessary time needed to really clean their teeth. Proper dental care for kids includes brushing their teeth after every meal, and before bed. It also includes flossing at least once a day. If mom or dad is there to help, the little one is going to be more inclined to do it properly.
• Limiting the sugary treats in the home. One of the things that really damages tooth enamel and leads to decay is sugar. Soda, candy and gum are often found in homes where kids reside. Dental care for kids should include replacing soda with fruit juices, and candy with fruit or fresh vegetables. If you start this early, your kids will never miss those things and instead will crave healthier foods, which will also benefit them physically in terms of fitness.
• Visit the dentist regularly. The dentist's office can be a little intimidating for anyone. Many moms and dads are apprehensive when it's their turn to go to the dentist and this doesn't go unnoticed by their kids. Put on a brave face and encourage your child to go to the dentist with you so they can see that it's not that bad at all. Proper dental care for kids should include check-ups every six months.
• Buy them a mouth guard for sports. Many young boys and girls like to participate in contact sports. Although playing football or hockey is a great work-out and tons of fun, it can also be dangerous to the mouth. Protecting your child's teeth can be effectively done with a mouth guard. These can be custom fitted at the dentist office and are well worth the investment considering how much it costs to fix a lost or chipped tooth.
• Have sealant put on your toddler's teeth. One of the most common oversights that parents make is the importance of dental care for small children. Even though toddlers are going to lose their baby teeth in favor of their adult teeth, they still need to see a dentist. Some dentists encourage the use of sealants to help prevent decay in small children. Parents should speak to their dentists about this and consider it strongly.

Parents directly influence many life long habits that their children adopt. An important habit is daily dental care. Encourage your child to brush and floss daily and take them to the dentist twice a year. Help them by showing them just how important their smile really is.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

How To Have A Baby Boy By Eating Burger And Fries - Does This Work?

Yes, the title is a bit strange, but for many years, folklore has suggested that the key to the baby's gender is in what mothers eat before pregnancy. For those would-be parents wondering how to have a baby boy, research has shown that this is an area well worth considering if you want to have a child of a particular sex.

The stories loosely go that red meat and salty snacks can lead to boys and eating chocolate and the like can lead to girls. Until recently, there was no firm evidence that this was true, although there was certainly lots of anecdotal evidence to suggest that there was more to it than just an old wives tale.

Over the last couple of years, scientists have conducted an experiment which compared 20 mice on a so called "regular" diet against 20 which were fed a diet simulating a high sugar diet in humans. The results showed that those eating a normal diet produced offspring which were 53% male, whereas those eating a simulated higher sugar diet produced babies which were over 60% female.

Conversely, the same was true when the mice were fed a low sugar diet which was rich in red meats and salty foods, such as burgers and fries, with the proportion of male offspring born being much greater than the control group.

These experiments have not been carried out on humans, but research strongly indicates that the results would be similar and it is true that many "old wives tales" do have more of a scientific basis than we would care to admit. Indeed, diet is just one way of naturally influencing the gender of our children.

For those looking at how to have a baby boy, the recommended foods include red meats, eggs, raisins, mushrooms, breads and beans. In addition, potassium-rich foods, such as oranges and bananas can be useful, as can salty foods. Also, it is thought that women who consume at least their recommended daily intake of calories are more likely to conceive a boy.

So, although eating masses of burgers and huge platefuls of fries will not guarantee that you have a baby boy, there is evidence to suggest that there is more to this than just a throwaway comment and that by eating these types of foods, you may increase the odds in your favor.

To claim your free newsletter giving hints and tips about natural gender selection and to see details of a tried and tested, 3 step comprehensive risk-free method of how to have a baby boy, which has proven to be 95% accurate, please visit the site below.

The principles are scientific rather than anecdotal. The book outlines the exact $450 gender clinic douche recipe which you can put together yourself and will give you precise dietary information and the details of the only days you should be having intercourse on and which positions you should be using to increase the chances of conceiving a boy. In addition, you will find a multitude of additional tips for having a baby boy.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dressing Your Baby In Superior Style

I vividly remember shopping in a well-known department store with my first-born son and another mother looking longingly at the racks of synthetic pink and white frills and lamenting that there were no nice clothes for little boys. In the last few years, all that has changed and, looking on the internet recently, it's easy to see why. There has been a revolution in baby clothing, and this radical change is definitely a change for the better.

There are some really innovative new designers who have got to grips with environmental issues and combined style with eco-friendly botanical textiles. Highly sustainable plants like soy and bamboo are being used to create fabrics that are soft, light and durable, lending themselves perfectly to new prints and designs in baby and toddler clothing.

Babysoy is one such company. It uses fair-trade soybean protein fibres that are silky-soft and thermo-regulating as well as both hypo-allergenic and anti-bacterial. This is ideal for babywear because the breathable fabric will keep babies at the right temperature as well as being absolutely safe and soft for their delicate skin.

Babysoy's up to the minute range of baby clothes is a delight to see. Their cute little short-sleeved rompers will give style and adorable cuddliness to any little boy (or girl), while the vibrantly-coloured bubble rompers combine comfort and glamour in an eye-catching new design. The slip-on trousers are another practical necessity in any baby boy's wardrobe.

Another exciting new fair trade clothing brand for babies is Aravore. Their baby and toddler clothes are made from a blend of merino wool and organic cotton which produces a sumptuously soft textile. The dreamy pastel colours and designs will make any little girl look angelic - quite appropriate really, as Aravore means ‘piece of heaven'. My favourites are the South American hand-made boho dresses and the dreamy, organic party dresses for 1-2 year olds, both of which styles come in two stunning colours.

But back to the boys! Bamboo Baby is a brand that really understands what little boys like and need. This is another eco-friendly range and, as the name suggests, the textiles used are created from highly sustainable bamboo. With denim jeans, soft rugby tops and sporty cardigans, little boys can romp around to their hearts' content in ultra comfort and up to the minute style.

Although I wasn't looking for sleepwear at the time, the lovely nightwear range from Mini Vanilla really caught my eye. Starting with newborn gift sets, their sleepwear range goes up to age 3 and includes some of the cutest designs I have ever seen. They use very soft, breathable cotton for ultimate comfort whatever the temperature outside.

Online retailers have certainly opened up the market in baby clothing and accessories and to cater for the growing demand, they are forever expanding their range of new and exciting ideas. Competition is fierce, which is good news for new mums and dads as this keeps prices attractively low. It also means that our babies can look trendy; feel 100% comfortable and happy; and start making their own little contribution to the world they will one day inherit.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How the Economy Affects Children

One of the first questions that a child asks his friends after the holidays is, "What did you get?" This year's economy has forced parents to cut back, but experts believe it is a good time to teach children about some of life's important lessons.

Child therapists agree that it is more important to be together during the holidays than to simply buy gifts because the love children feel from the attention you give them will last longer than a gift. And when we teach our children the value of giving to others, it gives the holidays new meaning.

In the new year of 2009, many parents are also going to have to make some difficult decisions about the cost of childcare because they simply cannot afford it anymore. In order to qualify for childcare assistance through the Department of Social Services, a person must be working.

Over 10 million Americans are out of work and another 6.7 million Americans are working part-time. More than 7 million Americans are working part-time. As parents lose employment, as their hours are cutback, they are taking their children out of organized child care and making due with whatever affordable situation they can find. One problem: many families with no resources for childcare are turning to young family members to care of their younger siblings.

Parents rely on childcare when they are at work, but it is also a great social outlet for children who look forward to it every day. More families are being forced to drop out of childcare, due to the economy. This trend signals difficult times for families.

The National Association of Child Care Resource & Parent Referral Agencies says day care costs nationwide can run from $3,380 to $10,787 a year for just one preschool-age child.

Some other interesting statistics on the current economy and its impact on children include:

Apx.11 million children under age 5 spend a portion of their day, every week, in the care of someone other than Mom.
-A child of a working mom spends about 36 hours a week in childcare.

With the current economic crisis, quality child care is even more important to the healthy development of each child. For many low income families, child care is the only place that children receive a nutritious meal and snack, given that food is often one of the first places parents sacrifice.

Parents must unders that when it comes to childcare, each state has a star rating system. The more stars required, the higher educated childcare employees must be in order to meet the standards.

One way to cut costs without sacrificing is to seek lower cost, in-home childcare. And remember that once a child hits school age the working parent would regain that income.

In the meantime, maybe the growing economic stress will demand that businesses find ways to be more family friendly and find ways to work parents who have young children.

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